Thursday, January 5, 2012

In the Beginning, God....

"In the Beginning, God"
-Genesis 1:1


"In the Beginning, God..."

Those four Words,
potent with powerful encouragement
comprising such comfort
as we embark on the year to come...

...Not solitary,
but setting out
with One Who knows the way
Who made the way,
and Who is the Way.

Not only here, now,
at the genesis of our journey,
not only "in the Beginning, God",
But throughout our days and weeks and months ahead, God.

In our Beginnings, God
In our Middles, God
In our Endings, God....

...from cornerstone to capstone,
Alpha to Omega,
Beginning to End...


...We can trust Him to carry us through.

Happy New Year, my dear friends,

-e.a.a. "Hindsfeet"  1/1/12


"He who began...will also complete"
-Phillipians 1:6


Dan said...

The perfect way to begin the year. A reminder of how we're grounded, with Whom we are grounded.

The best Happy New Year reminder I have seen...maybe *ever*....

Happy New Year, H.

Jennifer Richardson said...

oh how I love simple
and profound the beginning, God.
Yes, so much thanks for the
lightning flash of truth!
Such comfort and peace
in this.
May His fullness fill every breath
you take
this year, friend
...may these be the days
your heart has longed for:)

Nancy said...

Your post is not only comforting but exciting at the same time......

He truly is "ALL" isn't He? What a mighty God we serve....

I hope this year you just get your socks blessed off and that every moment of every day you will feel His arms around you....

Love ya sweet girl,