Thursday, June 28, 2012



I feel I've lost my voice of late....or perhaps it's my hearing of His that's gone......too far from Home to hear when He calls...
...I've wandered...

....longing for His Hearth, longing for that Rest.....longing to lay my head, once again, on His chest.....

Longing for the One who leaves the ninety-nine......bleating out my pleas....I may have lost my hearing, but I know He's not lost His.......


"Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you."
-Hebrews 13:5


S. Etole said...

So timely and so good ...

Dan said...

Thank you for this *exceptional* reminder. It's beautiful.

Mary said...

I find myself in this place more than I care too...too easy for me to wander...thankful for the dissatification that builds when I do. Thankful he never leaves.

Thankful for you too!

Grace and peace!

Jennifer Richardson said...

you are in such good hands, friend,
right in the palm of kind generosity himself
who will never leave or forsake
even for a second
sweet dearheart of his:)
you've been through so much change, friend.
it's easy to feel disconnected
during transition
but often it's just that a new connection
is being formed
and the feeling of loss
over the old one
is part of the disorientation that comes
as we walk with the shepherd
into new and wobbly places.
even our "falls" he holds tenderly
next to his heart.
there is no shame on you, brave girl.
you're simply in process and it's forward
motion even when it feels a little
I believe your shepherd is wildly proud
and fond of you:):):)
SO glad to "see" you again!